Hey guys and girls.
It's going to be our holidays already.
That means it's TIME FOR MARCHING.
Why do we need to march during the holidays. Because Sports Day is on the 26th of June.
and we are not ready yet.
Where are we going to march?
Our favourite spot.
For those who don't know where is Sahara Field,
please wait at Backgate.
We will have people to come and lead you to the field.
What time do we start marching?
7.30 am till 10.00 am.
Please be there before 7.30am. or else ...
you guys know what is the punishment :)
When are we marching?
May 30th, Saturday.
June 1st, Monday.
June 3rd, Wednesday.
June 5th, Friday.
June 6th, Saturday.
June 8th, Monday.
June 10th, Wednesday.
June 12th, Friday.
June 13th, Saturday.
* It is COMPULSORY for ALL MARCHING MEMBERS to attend every marching practice.
* It is encourage for all new marching members to attend every marching practice as you guys still don't know how to march.
* For those who can't attend the practice, please inform any of the Board of Directors and give us a suitable reason for not attending.
* For more infomation, you may contact any of the Board of Directors.
* Seniors are welcome to visit us at Sahara Field anytime.
Thank You and Hope to see you guys during marching practice. :)
Your President, Jenn Yee.