The Seniors Farewell Party will be held at Ken 2..it is just 5 minutes walk away from tropicana city mall. IF there is anyone who doesn't know exactly where is it feel free to ask either Bernard or Marcus. The Details of the party are the following: Date : 28/12/2009 Time : 6pm till 10pm..but if you may feel free to leave earlier Venue : Ken 2 Whoever is attending the party PLEASE INFORM MARCUS and whoever is helping to contribute to prepare food there will be approximately 30 people attending the party there will be 2008/2009 Form Four and Form Fives B.O.D's and ex-seniors from the previous year.
The seniors farewell party details are of the following it will be at bernard ling's house which is at ken 3 near tropicana city mall as this event is a private event everything is at our own expenses.. since its the month of chrismas i hope everyone can contribute something for the party people who are going please contact Marcus Lye please do it as soon as possible.. the latest is by this wednesday i hope all seniors wont mind contributing something for the party you can contribute either preparing food or dessert for the party or by helping to book the place we are going to use at bernard's the deposit for booking the place is 100 rent is 100 and i am sorry to say there will be no bbq because the pool has been booked by other people.
Hey guys and girls and ladies and gentleman those who are reading this especially our ex-president chan jenn yee we will be having our seniors farewell party it will be on the 28 of december.. yes..its on the 28 for those who are interested in going please contact me,MARCUS LYE,on either digi or maxis or house phone for details.
There is a B.O.D Meeting
at Macdonald's at 1 pm on the upcoming monday which is 21/12/09 BOD attendance is compulsory.. whoever is absent on the first meeting is compulsory and with no excuse to attend this meeting BOD's who have seen this post please pass the message on to the others If there is anything, feel free to contact me,Marcus, on my handphone number there is two number available to be contacted Digi:0169810269 Maxis:0129273802 There is no excuse for being absent to this meeting. The following are the list of things that will be discussed on that day, so do not ask me whats the meeting for. -BOD's Post -Annual Camp Commanders -Camp Pertauliahan Commanders -Marching Commanders -Canteen Day -Seniors Party -KRS activity shirt -KRS saturday activityMarcus`
Hey Kadets! So how's your holidays going on? I'm sure your enjoying yourself! But, something which is much more interesting is coming up soon! We're gonna have the Kem Pertaulihan on July '2010 ! So if your interested in joining the camp, Please pass your name and details to our president, Marcus Lye. Don't miss out on this camp! It's a great chance to have fun and know more friends. Other than that, you might be promoted after going through some test. So what are you waiting for? Sign up now! :) Kadets that signed up : Asyraf Teo Peggie Kar Weng Chee Kong
The Seniors Farewell Party will be held at Ken 2..it is just 5 minutes walk away from tropicana city mall. IF there is anyone who doesn't know exactly where is it feel free to ask either Bernard or Marcus. The Details of the party are the following: Date : 28/12/2009 Time : 6pm till 10pm..but if you may feel free to leave earlier Venue : Ken 2 Whoever is attending the party PLEASE INFORM MARCUS and whoever is helping to contribute to prepare food there will be approximately 30 people attending the party there will be 2008/2009 Form Four and Form Fives B.O.D's and ex-seniors from the previous year.
The seniors farewell party details are of the following it will be at bernard ling's house which is at ken 3 near tropicana city mall as this event is a private event everything is at our own expenses.. since its the month of chrismas i hope everyone can contribute something for the party people who are going please contact Marcus Lye please do it as soon as possible.. the latest is by this wednesday i hope all seniors wont mind contributing something for the party you can contribute either preparing food or dessert for the party or by helping to book the place we are going to use at bernard's the deposit for booking the place is 100 rent is 100 and i am sorry to say there will be no bbq because the pool has been booked by other people.
Hey guys and girls and ladies and gentleman those who are reading this especially our ex-president chan jenn yee we will be having our seniors farewell party it will be on the 28 of december.. yes..its on the 28 for those who are interested in going please contact me,MARCUS LYE,on either digi or maxis or house phone for details.
There is a B.O.D Meeting
at Macdonald's at 1 pm on the upcoming monday which is 21/12/09 BOD attendance is compulsory.. whoever is absent on the first meeting is compulsory and with no excuse to attend this meeting BOD's who have seen this post please pass the message on to the others If there is anything, feel free to contact me,Marcus, on my handphone number there is two number available to be contacted Digi:0169810269 Maxis:0129273802 There is no excuse for being absent to this meeting. The following are the list of things that will be discussed on that day, so do not ask me whats the meeting for. -BOD's Post -Annual Camp Commanders -Camp Pertauliahan Commanders -Marching Commanders -Canteen Day -Seniors Party -KRS activity shirt -KRS saturday activityMarcus`
Hey Kadets! So how's your holidays going on? I'm sure your enjoying yourself! But, something which is much more interesting is coming up soon! We're gonna have the Kem Pertaulihan on July '2010 ! So if your interested in joining the camp, Please pass your name and details to our president, Marcus Lye. Don't miss out on this camp! It's a great chance to have fun and know more friends. Other than that, you might be promoted after going through some test. So what are you waiting for? Sign up now! :) Kadets that signed up : Asyraf Teo Peggie Kar Weng Chee Kong
KRS SMKTS B.O.D '10/'11
President : Najmudin Fadzil
Vice President : Tan Xin Wei
Secretary : Charmaine Yap
Asst. Secretary : Ng Siew Chin
Treasurer : Looi Ji Yan
Asst. Treasurer : Lee Kyleen
Quarter Master : Chan Kar Weng
Asst. Quarter Master : Yeap Yung Jin, Lee Chen Hoong
Project Director : Asyraf Aminuddin
Asst. Project Director : Chan Chee Kong
Publicity : Teo Pei Gi
Asst. Publicity : Lee Ji Yin, Ashley Yee
Guys, please click only once while posting , avoid spamming the cbox! Thank you so much for your coorperation.
Under Construction ! :D
Patience is virtue!
We're the Kadet's from SMKTS.
Welcome !